Sumo squats

Sumo squats

Strong legs and buttocks are the dreams of many, including the fair sex. But in order to achieve such results, it is necessary to work well and hard. One of the exercises that perfectly loads the inner thigh, as well as the gluteal muscles is sumo squats.

This effect is achieved due to the different positions of the legs, as well as through the deployed socks. Due to this, the biomechanics of movement changes, and the emphasis shifts to the target muscles.

Squats with a wide setting of legs are heavier than classic, so it’s worth working on the technique.

The word “sumo” means a kind of Japanese wrestling. And squats are so named because the stance during the exercise before and after Crossfit is similar to the sumo wrestler performing on the tatami.

Going deep into martial arts, it is worth noting that they have a similar strong forearm in the training plan. They perform it, but they do not use a barbell or dumbbells, but a large stone pressed to the chest.

It is worth noting that squats in the sumo style perfectly stretch the muscles. Therefore, the exercise will be useful to absolutely everyone, including the fair sex.

A good basic stretch facilitates the exercise due to the fact that the feet can be placed at the maximum distance from each other. Stretch, and squatting in a sumo variation will be much easier.

Separately, it is worth noting that many consider sumo and plie to be the same exercises. The fact is that there is a similarity of the biomechanics of movement, and the same muscles are loaded. Therefore, many confuse plie and sumo, considering them identical. But in fact, this is not so.

Sumo squat requires the widest possible setting of the legs, and in the pli legs are a little wider than the shoulders. Despite such minor changes in the position of the legs, the angle of load on the muscles is shifted.

Exercise heavily loads the knee joints. In case of problems with them, it is recommended to avoid this type of squats, replacing with more classic squats or isolated exercises for different leg muscles

One of the indisputable advantages of sumo squats is the study of those muscles that cannot be precisely “hooked” in classic squats.

What muscles work in sumo squats?

As already discussed above, the load differs from the usual due to a shift in emphasis to other muscles.

  • The main groups are the gluteus muscle and the inner thigh. Thanks to what the exercise is ideal for the fair sex.
  • The lower back, which takes on part of the load, takes an active part in the work.
  • The synergists are the quadriceps and the posterior thigh.
  • As stabilizers – calf and abdominal muscles.

Exercise can be used both as primary and secondary.

Sumo squats with an emphasis on the buttocks are suitable not only for girls but also for athletes who compete, as well as all those men who have a problem with this.

Many men are embarrassed to swing their buttocks, considering this is a lot of girls. However, it is not. Many women consider the male buttocks to be an attractive enough part of the body.

The advantages of the exercise include:

  • A comprehensive study of the legs, in particular – the inner surface of the thigh, which is a problem area for girls. Due to this, it helps to form an attractive and toned silhouette of the legs.
  • Promotes flexibility.
  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • You can perform with almost any equipment – barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, etc.

Sumo Squats: Technique

Exercise can be attributed to medium difficulty. Squats with a wide setting of the legs are significantly different in load from the classic. Therefore, it is recommended to take a shell with the light weight. Better yet, to work out the technique, an empty bar or a small dumbbell will do.

Before you begin the exercise, you need to stretch and warm the muscles well. As a shell, you can use the barbell, dumbbells, weights, etc.

Sumo Squat Technique:

  • Starting position. We put our legs as wide as possible, socks must be turned outward. If you work with the bar, then it should be on the back muscles (trapezium). When working with dumbbells or weights, they should be in hands that are extended along the body. If 1 dumbbell or kettlebell is taken with both hands and lowered in front of the body.
  • On inspiration: we begin to squat down until the hips are parallel to the floor, forming an angle of 90 degrees. It is very important not to tilt the body forward, and also not to bring the knees on the same plane with the socks. The pelvis must be deflected as far as possible.
  • On exhalation: slowly return to the starting position.

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They are suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness fans.

In principle, there is nothing difficult, except that the exercise requires a little flexibility. Each determines the number of approaches and repetitions independently, depending on their goals, preferences, and wishes.

In the process of the formation of technology, it is better not only to take the minimum weight but also to ask to observe from the coach or experienced senior comrades.

Sumo squats in Smith, with a dumbbell and kettlebell: options for execution

The classic version of the exercise – with a barbell. The projectile is placed in the same way as in the case of classic squats – on the back, trapeze.  When using dumbbells or weights, they are best kept in lowered hands or at chest level.

Each of these variations is effective. In addition, if desired, the bar can also be held in hands, and not on the back.

For beginners, it is recommended to start with squats in Smith with a wide setting of legs. It is on this simulator that you can work out the execution technique well and with high quality. And only then switch to sumo squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell, and if desired, with a barbell.

The use of these shells makes it possible to work out the muscles from a different angle. Thanks to what muscles are “shocked”, strength indicators and volume are improved.

Note that the most unprepared person may not use weights at all. With a wide set of legs, squatting is very difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to try to sit down first without weights, and after that select the most suitable option.

A bit about contraindications and mistakes

Despite all the benefits and effectiveness of the exercise, he has contraindications:

  • For people who have problems with the knees, spine, and lower back, sumo squats are contraindicated.
  • With weak muscles, the cortex should gradually increase the load.

All other exercises can be performed without any restrictions.

In addition to contraindications, there are still errors that should be avoided. If this is not done, then injury may result. Consider them in more detail:

  1. Straightening the legs at the top. Straightening the legs completely, an excessive load is applied to the knee joint. And if you leave them slightly bent, then the tension on the muscles will decrease and the risk of getting injured will decrease.
  2. Back position. Deflection in the back or lower back increases the invasiveness of the exercise. Therefore, during the execution, the back should be even.
  3. Mandatory abduction of the pelvis back. If this is not done, then the knee joint will not move in the direction of the toe of the foot.
  4. Head position. The gaze should be directed straight or slightly up. This will make the body as stable as possible and help to better concentrate on the exercise.
  5. The technique of execution. It should not suffer, it is better to do with minimal weight or no shell at all than to break it.

Tips & Tricks

By adhering to the following guidelines, you can succeed in doing sumo squats:

  • A lot of weight is not always good. In the exercise, a fine selection of weight is necessary in order to get the maximum effect from it. If lifting up makes a jerk with your pelvis, then the weight is too large and it is recommended to reduce it.
  • Amplitude and depth are determined individually. To maximize the use of the buttocks and the inner thigh, you need to squat as deep as possible.
  • The position of the knees and feet affects the targeted muscles. For example, if you turn the socks inward, the load falls on the quadriceps. You can vary the angle of rotation of the socks.
  • Squats load the lower back. If the lower back is weak, then it is recommended to strengthen with hyperextension.
  • In the negative phase, you can stay below for a few seconds, and in the positive – a quick and sharp rise.
  • During the bicep pump, the weight can be transferred to the heels, in order to ensure the optimal load on the buttocks. Be sure to keep your shins parallel to your feet, this will prevent injury to your knees.
  • Do not forget about proper breathing. In no case should you detain him.
  • Be sure to warm up and stretch before doing the exercise.

Sumo or classic squats: which is better for girls?

Since the fair sex is most interested in strong and elastic buttocks, sumo is an excellent solution. Ideally, it is better to do both of these exercises, alternating between them.

Today, there are many schemes. For example, perform these 2 exercises simultaneously, varying the number of sets and reps. You can divide them by week:

  • 1st week – regular squats.
  • 2nd – sumo.

Everything is individual here and depends on preferences, needs, and wishes.

One of the variations of sit-ups is sumo squats, which are the performance of an exercise with a wide setting of legs and socks unfurled outwards. This position gives the maximum load on the muscles of the buttocks and the inner thighs. In the technique of performing, the sumo squat is similar to squatting: many believe that it is the same element.

The correct technique of sumo squat

The difference between sumo and plie

The differences between sumo squats and pliets can be insignificant, but they are still available:

Index Sumo Plie
The position of the body when the element is executed Corpus leaning forward, this led back The back is straight, the pelvis is one line with it
Load on the inner surface of the thigh Less More
Leg Setting Less wide-leg arrangement The legs are very wide apart
Operating weight Ability to work with large scales Limited choice of weights
Security Safely There is a risk of injury to the hip joints due to their unnatural position

Therefore, to increase muscle mass in the inner thigh area, sumo will be more effective and safer. This version of squats allows you to work with a lot of weight, without causing discomfort to the hip joints. Sligh with a small weight can be used at the end of the training to fix the result.

Features of exercise

At usual squats with a parallel arrangement of stops, the basic loading goes on quadricepses. And due to the inclination of the back forward in the training, the waist takes part. The technique of sumo enables the redistribution of the load from the dorsal muscles to the legs. You can do sumo squats with a dumbbell, barbell, or other weights. In addition to excellent working out of the muscles of the lower body, the sumo squats have the following advantages:

  1. Give the opportunity to work out the muscles in the complex.
  2. Improve mobility and develop flexibility of the hip joints.
  3. They have a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs by improving the circulation in the lower part of the body.

Another advantage of the element is that it can be performed without problems at home.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that sumo squats for girls are an indispensable exercise, despite the fact that they require considerable physical training. It is necessary to try very hard to sit down, while not lowering the knees. And you need to do this every time.

As for the work of the muscles, in the training process besides the inner surface of the thighs and buttocks are involved:

  • hamstrings;
  • quadriceps;
  • calf muscles;
  • press;
  • muscles of the back.

The technique of performing sumo squats and common mistakes

Step by step technique of performing sumo squats for both girls and the stronger sex will be as follows:

Step 1. We take the starting position: stand up smoothly, preserving the natural deflection in the lumbar region. We set our legs apart, turning our feet outwards.

Important! Try to sit down in this position. If you do not feel any discomfort when you bring your hips to a parallel with the floor, then you can work from this position already with weights.

Another important point is the choice of burdening:

  • suomo squats with a bar assume the location of the neck on the muscles of the back, just below the neck;
  • when performing an element with dumbbells, you can lower them in front of the body on outstretched hands – as a result, the weight at the squat will pass between the legs, or lower one dumbbell also in front of the body, taking it by the disk.

Step 2. On an inhalation, we begin the squatting to the parallel of the thighs of the floor. We try hard not to bow out and follow the position of the knees: they must be in the same plane with their toes and do not rotate inwards. The pelvis should be withdrawn as far back as possible.

Sumo squats help to lose weight

Step 3. On exhalation slowly rise. We perform ten to fifteen times for two or three approaches.

Important clarification! When squatting below the parallel with the floor, gluteal muscles are better worked, but the load on the knees increases.

As for the errors in the execution of the element, they can be as follows:

  1. Rounding of the back during the training. The back should always remain straight except for the natural deflection in the lower back. Shoulders need to be straightened, look straight ahead.
  2. Bringing the knees forward for the socks. When squatting the knees should not go beyond the level of the sock: for this, you need to keep the pelvis back as far as possible.
  3. Taking large weights. Do not overdo it: the main thing is the technique of execution, and not the weight is taken. If you can not correctly execute the element at the selected weight, it is better to reduce its weight.

Variations of exercise

You can do sumo squats:

  • without burdening, directing all energy to the working off of technology;
  • with dumbbells or one dumbbell;
  • with a barbell;
  • with the weight to be kept below.

To increase strength, you can use in training such techniques as “chair”, in which the bottom of the buttocks almost touches the floor. As a result, the weight is pulled out only due to the strength of the muscles.

Contraindications and precautions

Attention should be paid to the exercise of persons having problems with:

  • spine, especially it’s lower part;
  • knees;
  • muscles bark.

The load should always be increased gradually. Otherwise, there may be a pain in the lower back, knee, or hip joints. To avoid unnecessary strain on these parts of the body, the following precautions should be taken:

  1. Do not straighten the legs to the end at the top – let them remain slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Do not let the backbend – it should retain its natural deflection.
  3. Keep in mind that the head has always been raised and the look is directed forward – many unconsciously lower their heads and look at the floor.

What are the contraindications when performing sumo squats

Recommendations for the exercise

 To get the most benefit from training and to avoid undesirable consequences from incorrect technique, you can follow the following recommendations:

  1. Sumo squats are unique in that you can choose the amplitude of motion yourself. There will be a deep squat or a reduced amplitude – depends on the purpose of the training. To pump the zone of the buttocks, squat deeply and low. To work out the quadriceps stop in the squatting on the parallel with the floor.
  2. Pay attention to the turn of the knees and feet: socks should always be deployed at least forty-five degrees – this will work on the resulting musculature, the main goal of the training. If the socks are brought together, the load will go to the quadriceps, and squats will no longer be called “sumo”.
  3. In connection with the high load on the lower back, it is recommended to do exercises to strengthen this zone along with the performance of the element.
  4. Choose the right weight. If during the training you do an involuntary jerk by the basin, then too much weight is chosen.
  5. When doing squat try to stay at the bottom point for at least two or three seconds, and rise quickly and sharply.
  6. To optimize the muscles of the buttocks during training, you need to transfer weight to the heels.
  7. The shins should always be parallel to the footsteps – so the risk of knee injury is prevented.
  8. Do not neglect the warm-up and stretching. Pay special attention to stretching the inner surface of the thigh both before and after the main training.
  9. Watch your breath – on exhalation we apply the main effort.

 In classical squats with a barbell, the main role is played by a spin. The Sumo technique turns off the back almost completely. The work of the muscles of the legs will be different. Therefore, replacing one exercise with another is not recommended: the technique of execution will be completely different. The ideal option is to combine elements. For example, one week to perform classic squats, and another – sito squats. Those wishing to load the lower part of the body more during the training with the emphasis on the legs to perform sumo squats, and during training on all muscle groups to spend time classics.

It should also be said that sumo squats allow the use of heavier weights. Therefore, it is better to give the exercise a start to the training. Classics can be performed at any time during training.

Who will do the exercise?

 Sumo squats are considered a more female training option. But due to the fact that quadriceps muscles are also employed here, the exercise is suitable for athletes who have some physiological problems that do not allow them to perform heavier elements. For example, training is suitable:

  • athletes with problem joints, since a wide setting of the feet, reduce the load on the knees;
  • athletes with insufficient mobility of the ankle – in the classical version, the heels break away from the floor and the enslavement of the joints takes place – the sumo squats solve this problem.

Training is suitable for athletes who want to use the maximum weights since the technique ideally allows and gives a powerful incentive to develop strength indicators.


Sumo squats are one of the variations of classic sit-ups with a barbell, they are often confused with squats, but thanks to a special technique of execution this element is an independent exercise that will work the buttocks and hips no worse than, for example, lunges or the gluteal bridge. And the possibility of using large weights makes the training interesting for many athletes.

Watch the video about sumo squats:

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